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PROKEH Research: Biotechnological Development of Biofertilizers using Keratins

Prof. Agbaje LATEEF, Principal Investigator

Prof. Agbaje LATEEF, Principal Investigator

About PROKEH Research

The PROKEH Research seeks to advance the biotechnological valorization of keratins to produce Protein-rich Keratin Hydrolysates (PROKEH) which can be employed as biofertilizers in growing plants. The research was conceptualized by a team of scholars led by Prof. Agbaje Lateef as the Principal Investigator in the Department of Pure and Applied Biology of the University. The research won a grant from Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) under its 2021 National Research Fund (TETF/ES/DR&D-CE/NRF2021/CC/EWC/00085/VOL.1.) with execution period of 24 months.

The Research

The research involves:

  • Isolation and characterization of keratinolytic microorganisms that can degrade chicken feather and cow hoof
  • Optimization of the keratin degradation and scale up of the bioprocess
  • Analysis of the keratin hydrolysates and formulation of PROKEH as biofertilizers
  • Formulation of nano-based PROKEH using calcium nanoparticles (PROKEH-CaNANO)
  • Evaluation of the biofertilizers and nanobiofertilizers on growth promotion, phytochemical constituents, proximate composition and functional properties of some fruit and leafy vegetables in two ecological zones
  • Study of impacts of the biofertilizers on physical, chemical and microbiological properties of soil
  • Dissemination of the outcomes of the research and training of farmers on its use
Prof. Musibau A. Azeez, Co-investigator

Prof. Musibau A. Azeez, Co-investigator

Project Justifications

Justification for the research and expected impacts

Through rearing of poultry and cattle, Nigeria generates hundreds of metric tonnes of feathers and hooves which contain keratins that are recalcitrant to biodegradation; thereby fuelling pollution of air, soil and water through improper disposal. However, these keratins are rich in proteins, which can be harnessed as sources of amino acids through eco-friendly valorization by keratinolytic microorganisms that are capable of innovative degradation of keratins. This brings about value-addition through bioconversion to valuable products within the paradigm of circular bioeconomy. In our previous studies, we documented some potent local microbial strains that efficiently degraded keratins. The aim of this research is to valorize poultry feather and cow hoof using microorganisms to produce protein-rich keratin hydrolysates (PROKEH) as biofertilizer and amino-acid supplements in agriculture. The project is expected to be impactful on crop production, promotion of green technology in converting wastes to useful materials, and mitigation of improper disposal of keratinous wastes among others.


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