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Valorization of Feather by Bacillus safensis and Aquamicrobium defluvii for Growth Promotion in Leafy Vegetables

In 2020, we reported a keratinolytic strain of Aquamicrobium defluvii for the first time......

This study assessed novel keratinolytic bacteria for feather valorization to yield feather hydrolysates (FHs) to cultivate vegetables. Bacterial degradation of feather was determined through production of keratinase. Corchorus olitorius (Jute mallow), Celosia argentea (Cockscomb), and Amaranthus caudatus (Pendant amaranth) were grown with FHs through soil-less and pot experiments.

Bacillus safensis LAU 13 as a new source of keratinase

In 2015, for the first time, we reported a keratinolytic strain of Bacillus safensis as follows:

A newly isolated bacterium identified as Bacillus safensis based on biochemical tests and 16S rRNA analysis and its mutant variant created by exposure to ultraviolet radiation at 254 nm were investigated for keratinolytic activity.

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